Reasons to go to France
I want to go abroad to become fluent in another language and become more independent as an individual. This is such a wonderful opportunity. I think I will gain a better understanding of the world and different cultures. I hope I can share my own knowledge with those in France about the American culture.
The cost
I need help financing my AFS experience, because money is hard to come by right now, as I am sure many families know. I have several ideas for fundraising already and will post about them once they are started. I would like to personally thank AFS for rewarding me with a $1,500 Global Leaders Scholarship. This money combined with my own contributions and contributions from my parents have helped defray the cost. The amount left for us to raise is about $6,000.
How you can help
Any donations are greatly appreciated, I have a fundraising goal to get 2,000 people to donate $2.50 each through this site by clicking the ChipIn button. If you would be so kind as to forward this blog to your friends, families, and anyone else that you know of who might be interested in sponsoring my AFS experience that would be very helpful.
Also if anyone needs to contact me, you can leave a comment below or e-mail me at Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy reading about my fundraising and adventures in France!